Men's Div 2

Saturday 28 September, 2024, Ponds Forge Pitch 1, Sheffield

Time White Team Blue Team
14:30 City of Bristol Sedgefield
15:45 Portobello Worthing

Saturday 28 September, 2024, Ponds Forge Pitch 2, Sheffield

Time White Team Blue Team
14:30 Exeter Lancaster
15:45 Caledonia Invicta

Sunday 29 September, 2024, Ponds Forge Pitch 1, Sheffield

Time White Team Blue Team
12:30 Worthing Sedgefield
13:45 Invicta Lancaster

Sunday 29 September, 2024, Ponds Forge Pitch 2, Sheffield

Time White Team Blue Team
12:30 Exeter Caledonia
13:45 City of Bristol Portobello

Saturday 26 October, 2024, Bolton Jason Kenny

Time White Team Blue Team
13:00 Lancaster Sedgefield
14:15 Invicta Worthing
15:30 City of Bristol Caledonia
16:45 Portobello Exeter
18:00 Invicta Sedgefield
19:15 Lancaster Worthing

Sunday 27 October, 2024, Bolton Jason Kenny

Time White Team Blue Team
08:45 City of Bristol Lancaster
10:00 Exeter Sedgefield
11:15 Caledonia Worthing
12:30 Portobello Invicta

Saturday 23 November, 2024, East Manchester

Time White Team Blue Team
13:30 Portobello Lancaster
14:45 Caledonia Sedgefield
18:30 Portobello Caledonia

Saturday 23 November, 2024, Gloucester

Time White Team Blue Team
13:30 City of Bristol Invicta
14:45 Exeter Worthing
18:30 City of Bristol Exeter

Sunday 24 November, 2024, East Manchester

Time White Team Blue Team
13:30 Portobello Sedgefield
16:00 Caledonia Lancaster

Sunday 24 November, 2024, Gloucester

Time White Team Blue Team
11:15 City of Bristol Worthing
13:45 Exeter Invicta